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Our thinking

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Your target group is mobile today. Users are on the go. Content must be easy to digest and directly to the point. Mobile is not another channel, but requires new thinking around different, more efficient tools and workflows.

That´s why tchop combines the simplicity of social networks and the way they curate and present mobile content with enterprise level software that always gives you full control about your content and it´s distribution.

We want to make things easy and efficient for you. Wether you want to provide valuable mobile content to your employees, clients or stakeholders. The real challenge often is to achieve and maintain this with a small team and limited resources.

Our platform

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tchop simplifies the process of curation and content creation from a mobile product perspective, trying to limit the steps and clicks, with things like drag&drop or inline editing which are standards of modern web technology. But also with a simple structure of mixes and cards, that mirrors how mobile content works.

A "Mix" is a feed of curated content that can be both an ongoing news feed or a compilation of static information. You are free to structure, sync and manage channels and mixes within your organisation

As our platform runs fully responsive in your browser, you can curate content on the go - on any device. Your data is safe and secure on european servers and all our network communication is encrypted.

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Our API´s

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We started building tchop with developers in mind. We know from years of experiences, that one can only build great things on the shoulders of other great things. Our platform provides easy-to-use Input- and Output APIs. You can display or process your tchop output anywhere you like. In your app, website, intranet or system. Or get any system into tchop with ease.

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Our Apps

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If you want to reach out to users with your own mobile services, the experience must feel native to the device the person is using. Only true native apps can provide such an experience and establish a long-term relationship with your target group - both with regards to relevant content but also to real-time conversations!

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